Saturday, February 28, 2009

Homeroom Contest

Cardinal Code Challenge

March 9 - 12
(The week before Spring Break)

If you can say all 6 codes your homeroom could win a party March 13th

Be ready to get quizzed

The homeroom with the most points will win!

Friday, February 27, 2009


Bulletin/Red Bird Bulletin

WCHS A+ Program/Job Shadow

Spring 2009



·      Webster Elementary After-School Reading:   It is Mon. - Thurs. 2:50 - 3:30.    They need students who can commit to at least one day a week.

·     Webster Elementary:  Needs a student who does well in Reading/Math and mentoring a second grade girl.  This would be 1-2 days a week from 3:00-4:00 p.m.

·      Middle School Family Reading Night: on Monday March 9th.  From 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

·      Eugene Fields Elementary:  Need a student to help a 2nd grade girl every Monday after school.


Tutoring opportunities all year:


·      After School Tutoring @ 2:05

·      Pals

·      Hi-step

·      Special Olympics

·      Summer School


Any Senior who is participating in the A+ Program, please stop and visit with Ms. Kelli Cragin.


FAFSA Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, March 3 in the Computer Lab at 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.  Sign up in Kelli Cragin's office.


·       Medical Explorer Program:

Any students' 9-12th grade interested in a Medical Career has a opportunity to be mentored by a group of health care professionals from Freeman and St. John's.  If interested please come by and sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office.



Kelli Cragin





Cardinal Code #6

Caring for Property

More info on the poster...

National Foreign Language Week

These are the dress-up days!

Monday - Soccer Jersey Day - Wear a soccer jersey or t-shirt
representing your favorite soccer team.

Tuesday - Chapeau/Sombrero Day - Wear a hat or cap. Tuesday is also
Dr. Seuss' birthday. If you have a "Cat in the Hat" hat, wear it!

Wednesday - International Friend Day - Dress in costume as an
International Friend. Here are some ideas to get you started: a
French painter, a Mime, a Mexican Charro, a Mariachi, a China
Poblana, a bull fighter, a Flamenco dancer, a Spanish señorita,
Speedy Gonzalez, an Arab (not a terrorist, Mother Teresa, a Canadian
lumber jack . . . anyone from another country in traditional dress

Thursday - Dress as a tourist - The cheesier, the better!!

Friday - Colors of the French flag - red, white, and blue or colors of
the Mexican flag - red, white and green

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Enrollment Dates

Seniors - Mar. 5 (Thurs)
Juniors - Mar. 11 (Wed)
Sophomores - Mar. 25 (Wed)

N-Z @ 6:00pm
A-M @ 6:30pm

News Class options

News class is now available during single hours only. Please see Mr.
White if you applied for a red day class or would like to apply.

Hours available:


Must be a current multimedia student.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stuco Election Results

2009-2010 Stuco Members
President: Bekah Stout
1st Vice:  Aubrey Bohnhoff2nd Vice:  Zach Sewell
Secretary:  Diana DominguezTreasurer:  Dillon Walker
Reporter:  Ashley LepperParliamentarian:  Zach Pettit

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cardinal Code #5

more info on the back wall

*DONE*Track meeting

There will be a track meeting on thursday the 26th in Cardinal theatre. Jrs and Srs meet at 2:05 Soph and fresh meet at 2:35 it is for everyone intersted

Golf Meeting

Tuesday Feb. 24th
2:35 - Room 304

Friday, February 20, 2009

Attention high achieving freshman, sophomores, and juniors who are interested in politics and current events.  Application information is in Mrs. Rose's office for the Junior Statesman Summer School.  Pick it up as soon as possible.  Students participating will experience the drama, power and excitement of politics and government.  There are 5 sessions available at Georgetown, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and Northwestern.  Tuition is between $4, 395 -$4,695.  Scholarships are available.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

*DONE*Mardi Gras Beads

French Club will be passing out Mardi Gras beads Tuesday Feb. 24th

Laissez lesbons Temps rouler

Monday, February 16, 2009

Cardinal Code #4

(still need to be sure we get #3 on...)

Code #4 is Classroom Manners

Check the poster on the back wall for more info...

Baseball *DONE*



*DONE* Urgent - FTA Concession Stand

can you just scroll across that FTA members need to sign up for the
Thursday night concession stand?

Friday, February 13, 2009

*DONE* Baseball announcement

Could I get this information in announcements please.

Apply for Journalism *DONE*

Students interested in taking journalism next year may pick up an
application from Ms. Betz in Room 702. Completed applications are due
on Monday, February 23.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education notified Webb City High School concerning the selection of Hannah Green and Avery Doran to the Missouri Fine Arts Academy.  These students are among the 200 talented students from across the state who will attend the three-week tuition-free Academy.  Missouri State University will host the Academy which will be held June 7th to June 27th.  The students' selections were based upon portfolios displaying the students' talent areas, essays, grade point averages, and teacher/community references.  

*DONE* FTA (News class - up to 4 will get credit for working on this one)

FTA is having a book drive for the month of February.
Slogan: Give Books with FTA for Read Across America Day!
Dr. Seuss' Birthday on March 2--we will take the books to elementary classrooms!
Bring the books to Room 801.

I envision an announcement with several kids reading books being flashed up while behind 
We are the world 
We are the children 
We are the ones who make a brighter day 
So let's start giving 
There's a choice we're making 
We're saving our own lives 
It's true we'll make a better day 
Just you and me

Lyrics to "We Are the World"--Michael Jackson

See Mrs. Sears for More Info...

Auditions postponed

Auditions for the spring play are postponed until Monday the 16th at

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

URGENT - Play Auditions

Auditions for Radium Girls will be postponed to Monday - Feb. 16th


Bulletin/Red Bird Bulletin

WCHS A+ Program/Job Shadow

Spring 2009



·      High School Math Tutoring:  Mr. Wilkinson is needing students to help tutor students in Study Hall in Contemporary Math 3(Algebra). 

·      Webster Elementary After-School Reading:   It is Mon. - Thurs. 2:50 - 3:30.    They need students who can commit to at least one day a week.

·     Webster Elementary:  Needs a student who does well in Reading/Math and mentoring a second grade girl.  This would be 1-2 days a week from 3:00-4:00 p.m.

·      Middle School Family Reading Night: on Monday March 9th.  From 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

·      Eugene Fields Elementary:  Need a student to help a 2nd grade girl every Monday after school.


Tutoring opportunities all year:


·      After School Tutoring @ 2:05

·      Pals

·      Hi-step

·      Special Olympics

·      Summer School


Any Senior who is participating in the A+ Program, please stop and visit with Ms. Kelli Cragin.


FAFSA Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, March 3 in the Computer Lab at 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.  Sign up in Kelli Cragin's office.


·       Medical Explorer Program:

Any students' 9-12th grade interested in a Medical Career has a opportunity to be mentored by a group of health care professionals from Freeman and St. John's.  If interested please come by and sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office.



Kelli Cragin


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sophomore ACT Packets

Sophomores must have their completed ACT packets turned into the
counseling center by the 16th of Feb. This is your only shot to take
the ACT for free.
Only valid for the April 4th test date.

news applications available

News applications are available in Mr. White's room
Must be a current Multimedia student to apply

Application Deadline Friday Feb. 20th

Film Makers

Meeting Wednesday at 2:35
Mr. White's room

*DONE* Announcement

Any junior or senior interested in being a part of the "Link Crew"
may come to the counseling center to sign up.

Donna Byford
WCHS Counseling Center

FCA Game Day - Feb 28

FCA Game Day


Saturday, February 28th

9:30 am Check-in

Guest Speakers:

Matt Plunket – MSSU Offensive Line Coach

Matt Olson – former MSSU Basketball Player


After the morning session, there will be Pizza and drinks then off to the MSSU Women's and Men's Basketball games.

Cost: $7 per person

Deadline for registration – Friday, February 13th

To register, see Mrs. J. Smith in room 602

Monday, February 9, 2009

Apply for Yearbook Class

Any Sophomore or Junior interested in being in Yearbook next year should get an application in room 100.  Applications must be returned by Friday, February 20th

Thursday, February 5, 2009


March 11 & 12
6:30 - 9:00pm
Here at the High School
Cost is $75
See Counselors for more info or call

*DONE* College Visits

Need to repost these:

Truman State University Tuesday, February 24th 8:00 a.m.
Missouri S & T will be here on Wednesday, March 4th at 8:00 a.m.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Engineering $$ Camp

Attention current 9th, 10th and 11th graders who are interested in engineering.
Mizzou Engineering Summer Camp
July 5-10 or July 12-17
Handson lab experiments
Industry tours
Chances to earn Mizzou scholarships
Mizzou engineering Departments

Application due June 5, 2009

Running Start

COST: The program is entirely FREE of charge, and travel scholarships are available to sophomores, juniors and seniors! Running Start is accepting applications for their 2009 Young Woman's Political Leadership Retreat.  WHAT: Running Start encourages high school girls from across the country to channel their leadership into politics. Participants will meet extraordinary women leaders of diverse backgrounds and learn the importance of having more women in political leadership and running for office. EVEN if the girls are not interested in politics, this is a great program way for them to build self-esteem, practice public speaking and learn to collaborate with other young women. WHO: Open to rising sophomores, juniors and seniors in high school WHERE: American University, Washington D.C. WHEN: July 15-19, 2009 (no applications will be accepted after February 16, 2009) COST: The program is entirely FREE of charge, and travel scholarships are available. APPLY ONLINE: http://www.runnings tartonline. org/leadership- program/index. php


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

*DONE* February Students of the Month

Freshman - Chelsea Smith
Sophomore - Madison Hulett
Junior - A.J. Campbell
Senior - Seth Walker

*DONE* FCA 5th Quarter

Feb. 13th
Right after the Basketball Game - 'til 11pm


Jayson French speaking

*DONE* Announcement

A representative from Missouri S & T will be here on Wednesday, March
4th at 8:00 a.m.
Any interested junior or senior may sign up in the counseling center.

Thank You,
Donna Byford
WCHS Counseling Center

Monday, February 2, 2009

done - Online Class Schedule

Students can go to the high school web site to view the schedule of classes for next year. Enrollment is coming up - check it out!

*DONE* Announcement

Please make sure that the following are on the announcements.

Representatives will be here from the following colleges....

Ft. Scott Community College Thursday, Feb. 5th 12:45 p.m.
Truman State University Tuesday, February 24th 8:00 a.m.

Interested Juniors and Seniors may sign up in the counselor's office.

Donna Byford
WCHS Counseling Center

weekly sports / activities

Check the calendar, poster, planners for info on this week

*DONE* Cardinal Code #2

Appropriate Conversation

- check poster on back wall & summarize

Make this humorous but appropriate please : )