Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The test is available for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors only.
Yes, they may take it as every year if they want to.
They may sign up in the Counselor's office, Main Office, ROTC classrooms, and
Rooms 504, 400, 301, 303, 401 503, and 505

The ASVAB is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.  It is an aptitude test given at the school for our students.  We use it to help our students  choose a career in which they are interested in AND have an aptitude for.   It is also good at helping them choose a major for college.  It is NOT just for students in vocational programs.  There is NO cost to the student and they are NOT joining the military if they take it.  The test only takes ONE day, I will divide the list of takers in half for the two days.

The ASVAB will be given Wednesday November 19 & Thursday November 20 in the High School Cafeteria.  The sessions run from 8:00 - 10:30 in the morning and 12:45 - 1:45 in the afternoon.  Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors are eligible to take the test.  Students planning on taking Auto Body, Auto Mechanics, Business Technology, Carthage Vo. Ag. or Franklin Tech next year need to be sure to take it.  Carthage Vo. Ag. students that are taking the test need to notify their Vo. Ag. teachers they will not be in class on the 19th or 20th.  Franklin Tech students that are taking the test will go with Mr. Walker till lunch.  Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors are responsible for all work missed .  If you have any more questions please contact Mr. Walker.
P.S.  There is no cost to the student.
P.S.S.  By taking the battery it does not mean they are signing up for the military.

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