Thursday, September 17, 2009



WCHS A+ Program

Fall 2009




Sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office

·       Webster Elementary : .  Need students to help with the after school reading.  Time : 2:15 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

·       Webster Elementary :  Need a student to help a 2nd grad in Math and Reading 2 times a week.  Time:  2:15 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

·       Eugene Elementary: Two 4th graders are needing help in Math and English 2 days a week.  Time:  2:50 p.m.-3:40 p.m.

·       Junior High:  Need students to help in the Home Work Center(room 201).  Monday-Thursday/Time:  2:40-3:40 


MSSU is awarding a total of 100 first-come, first served basis on A+ Scholarship.  This is a value of $1,000 per academic year.  If you're interested, stop by Kelli Cragin's office to pick up an application.

MSSU Criminal Justice:  Any 11th grade or 12th grade student interested in Criminal Justice/Pre-Law:  MSSU is having a open house Career Fair if you're interested.  This will take place on Wednesday, September 30th from 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.  Sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office. 

Health Careers Club(formerly called Medical Explorer Program)  :Any students interested in learning about the many careers in the health care field has an opportunity to participate in the Health Careers Club with Freeman and St. John's.  Sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office 

Job Shadowing:

All Junior and Senior get 1 full day excused absent.  Job Shadowing is a wonderful opportunity to go out to the real world of work for one-full day to visit a business, or professional that is in the career choice of each student's interest.   Sign up in Kelli Cragin's office.


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