Saturday, September 29, 2007

Great Job to Special Olympic Athletes!

Great Job to Special Olympic Athletes!
Blake Williams         - Gold
Brett Kohler         - Gold
Ben Steubing         - Gold
Christina Paxton            - Gold
Jamey Northing – Gold
Ashley Hembree – Gold
Melinda Hembree – Silver
Janel Roufs – Gold
Heather Danner – Silver
Chance Passmore – Gold
Levi Willis – Gold
Adam Evans – Gold
Brandon Levi – Gold
Michael Dunn – Gold
Robert Jones – Silver
Ashley Kelso – Gold
Jay Wagner – Silver
Kasey Stewart – Silver
Ken Dame - Gold

Fwd: announcements

Thank you to all Special Olympic Volunteers. You did a GREAT JOB!!

Adam Williams
Adrienne Culp
Amanda Pierson
Amber Hayden
Anna Schulte
Ashley Henard
Ashton Burr
Aubrey Cooke
Audrey Dooley
Colby Wakefield
Chase Philpot
Chris Stoner
Christine McMillin
Alyssa Stuart
Delaney Miller
Emmy Carpenter
Garrett Garvey
Hannah Dykens
Hannah Houdyshell
Janessa Kingore
Jerry Workman
Kassie Morris
Kathryn Fields
Kayla Gaines
Kristina Duley
Lyndi Speak
Lynsey Setser
Molly Brown
Nicole Hudson
Rachel Stout
Raeven Replogle
Sam Eriksen
Sarah Smith
Shauna Stansberry
Stacy Boatwright
Stephanie Koon
Todd Scroggins
Whitney Stark
Zac Anderson
Landon Zerkel

Friday, September 28, 2007

WCHS A+ / Job Shadow


WCHS A+ Program/Job Shadow

Fall 2007



Tutoring Opportunities are listed in Mrs. Cragin's office to sign up.


·      Middle School is needing students to help with Family Reading Night once a month on Monday's.  Time will be from 3:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

·      Oct. 8, Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 7, Feb. 11, March 10 and April 14


·      Eugene Fields is needing students to help with tutoring on Monday-Thursday's.   Time will be from 3:00 -4:00 p.m. 


·      Eugene Fields Family Reading Night:  is needing students to help with the students on reading.  The time is 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.  Oct. 15, Nov. 29, March 6, April 22


·      Mark Twain Family Reading Night:  is needing students to help with the students on reading.  The time is 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.  Oct. 1, Nov. 26, Feb. 11, April 21



Attention:  A+ Seniors attending MSSU

MSSU is awarding a total of 100 first-come, first served basis on A+ scholarship.  This is a value of $1,000 per academic year.  If you're interested, stop by Kelli Cragin's office to pick up an application.


Show Me Crowder Day is Thursday, October 18th.  We'll leave the High School at 8:00 a.m. and return by 1:00 p.m.  Pizza will be provided.  Crowder will give a college tour, college information on careers and hear about all the opportunities Crowder has available.  Sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office.


Job Shadow:

All Junior and Seniors have the opportunity to job shadow once their Junior year and once their Senior year.  This is a great opportunity to go out to the real world of work for one-full day to visit a business, or professional that is in the career choice of each students interest.  This will be excused.

Thank you!!!

Kelli Cragin

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Senior Personality Winners

Most Likely to Succeed: Chase Philpot & Audrey Buckland
Most Likely to be a Movie Star: Brad Andersona & Brittni Frazier
Most Outgoing: Eric Thomason & Raeven Replogle
Best All Around: Ethan Greer & Amber Hayden
Most Stylish: Darren Aggus & Corinthians Love
Worst Drive: Lyle Page & Andrea Frye
Biggest Flirt: Shane VanStavern
Most Athletic: Chance Sossamon & Molly Garst
Most School Spirit: Anthony Hance & Lauren Hall
Most Dramatic: Josh Holgate & Amber Peters


Oliver t-shirt designs are due by Oct. 3rd.  Tech crew and actors please sign up by Oct. 10th if you intend to purchase a shirt.  The sign-up sheet is outside the theatre classrooms.

Nancy O'Banion
Webb City High School
621 N. Madison
Webb City MO 64870
phone 417-673-6010
fax 417-673-6017

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ACT Workshop

ACT Workshop!
Increase ACT Scores!

Who: Dr. Chippendale of Focus on
Learning from Columbia

What: Five-hour ACT Workshop
designed to help you raise your

When: October 12, 2007 7:30 a.m.
to 1:30 p.m.

Where: MSSU
• Will cost $20.00 per
student which includes an
ACT packet of
information, breakfast,
and lunch
• Sign up in Mrs. Gray’s
room (903).

Monday, September 24, 2007

Academic Bowl

Academic Bowl will begin practicing on Wed. Oct. 3rd. Meet in Mr. Craft's room at 3:00!!

MSSU Criminal Justice / Pre-Law fair TOMORROW

Any students interested in going on an MSSU Criminal Justice AND Pre-
Law programs career fair TOMORROW listen up. The last call is TODAY.
The fair is tomorrow from 10am to 1pm. See Miss Cragin TODAY.

French Club Meeting Sept. 27th

French Club Meeting Thursday September 27th @ 7:20am. Last chance to
join French Club.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Chanter Tryouts

Wrestling Chanter Clinic and Tryouts will be held October 1-3 from
3:30-4:30pm at the High School Wrestling Room. All Chanter Candidates
will be required to have a current Physical and Drug Form. Tryout
packets and sign up sheets will be available Monday September 24 in
the office. Please leave any questions with Sadonna Hickman.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

See you at the pole

See you at the pole..september 26..7:00am
meet in front of the flag pole.

NHS announcement

There will be an NHS meeting Wednesday, September 26th, in room 404.
Items to be discussed are the Scholarship Carnival, T-Shirts, and
upcoming events. It is important that each member attend. Please
make contact with Mr. Hayes if you can't attend the meeting.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Spanish T-Shirts

The new Spanish Club t-shirt design is out for this year. T-shirts are $7.00 each and must be ordered by Oct. 20. They can be ordered from Mrs. Daugherty or Mrs. Friend.

Spanish Club Officers - 2007-2008

The Spanish Club officers for 2007-2008 are:

Rachel Stout and Victor Hernández - Co-presidents
Stevie Dugdale - Vice-president
Courtney Millard - Secretary
Alex Angér - Treasurer

Football groups

Homecoming is October 5th so we will NOT recognize any groups,
elementary, football, etc. We have enough going on that Friday.

Vote for Homecoming Attendants during Lunch

Students - this Thursday the 20th and Friday the 21st - vote for Homecoming Attendants during lunch. You must show your ID to vote.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Important dates for Spanish Club

Spanish Club dues are 5.00 and are due by Oct. 9. If you do not have
your dues paid by 3:00 on October 9, you will not be in Spanish Club.

The next Spanish Club meeting is Oct. 9 at 7:20 in Room 604. Spanish
Club meetings will be the 2nd Tuesday of EVERY month unless otherwise

Spanish Club t-shirts are 7.00 this year. T-shirt money is due by
Oct. 20. The t-shirt design can be seen in Mrs. Daugherty's room.

Thank you!

Jackie Daugherty

U of A Rep

A representative from the University of Arkansas will be here Monday, September 24th at 9:45 a.m. Interested seniors can sign up in the counseling center.

Homecoming Dress Up

(For the week of October 1st through 5th)
Monday- Sock the dragons crazy sock day!
Tuesday- Drown the dragons flotation device day
Wensday- Burn the dragons big red day
Thursday- char the dragons as much black and white
Friday- slay the dragons dress for battle

Dress Code

Dress code violaters beware:
Girls with low cut shirts, thin straps, belly buttons showing, skirts too short, and capris to high. Boys dress code violations - pant waists to low or sagging. Violaters will be sent to the office and could receieve detention so FOLLOW THE DRESS CODE!!

Ozark Football

There will be a football game this Friday, September 21, 2007. The game is at Ozark High School with kick off at 7 pm. BE THERE!!!!

Junior and Senior Honor Diploma students

Junior and Senior Honor Diploma students
If you are interested in early community service hours you can talk with swim coach Klosterman and you can volunteer to do 3 hours of timing at the swim meets.
Also Juniors if interested in track, talk with Butler about earning 3 hours at the the April 4th or April 7th track meets.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Science Club asap

Science Club members may stop by room 302 to vote for President and
Vice-President any time this week.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Tutoring, Scholarships, College Visits...


WCHS A+ Program/Job Shadow

Fall 2007


Tutoring Opportunities are listed in Mrs. Cragin's office to sign up.

Webster Elementary is needing a student to help with a first grader every Tuesday from 3:00-3:30 p.m.

Middle School is needing students to help with Family Reading Night once a month on Monday's. Time will be from 3:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

· Oct. 8, Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 7, Feb. 11, March 10 and April 14

· Eugene Fields is needing students to help with tutoring on Monday-Thursday's. Time will be from 3:00 -4:00 p.m.

· Eugene Fields Family Reading Night: is needing students to help with the students on reading. The time is 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Oct. 15, Nov. 29, March 6, April 22

· Mark Twain Family Reading Night: is needing students to help with the students on reading. The time is 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Oct. 1, Nov. 26, Feb. 11, April 21


Attention: A+ Seniors attending MSSU

MSSU is awarding a total of 100 first-come, first served basis on A+ scholarship. This is a value of $1,000 per academic year. If you're interested, stop by Kelli Cragin's office to pick up an application.

College visit:

Any student interested in learning about the many careers in the Criminal Justice/Pre-Law/Crime Scene Investigation minor: MSSU Criminal Justice Administration Department is having a Open House/ Career Fair day on Tuesday, September 25, from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. If interested, you can use this day a job shadowing or college visit. Come and sign in at Kelli Cragin's office.

Show Me Crowder Day is Thursday, October 18th. We'll leave the High School at 8:00 a.m. and return by 1:00 p.m. Pizza will be provided. Crowder will give a college tour, college information on careers and hear about all the opportunities Crowder has available. Sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office.

Job Shadow:

All Junior and Seniors have the opportunity to job shadow once their Junior year and once their Senior year. This is a great opportunity to go out to the real world of work for one-full day to visit a business, or professional that is in the career choice of each students interest. This will be excused.


If you are planning on playing Rugby this Fall please see Mr. White (Room 802) for Medical and Parental Consent Forms. All players must have their forms in by Tuesday, September 18th.

New Student Blog

Students check out the new student Feedback site at There you can find important news and Opinion Polls. We want to know what you think. Check it out!

Senior Class President

The winner of Senior Class President is Courtney Millard.


You can volunteer to help at Friday Night 
Home Football Game Clean-up!!!!!!!  
If interested you should go to the concession stand and meet John Harding at about 1 minute before the game is over.  You will sign in as a volunteer.  He will give you gloves and trashbags.  Your job would be to clean the home bleachers or do any other job John assigns you.  WHEN YOU ARE DONE, BE SURE TO SIGN OUT WITH MITCH.  The maximum time you can earn for this activity is 3 hours total for the 2007/08 school year.  You do not have to complete the blue and or yellow paperwork.  The sign-up list will replace that requirement.



WCHS A+ Program/Job Shadow

Fall 2007



Tutoring Opportunities are listed in Mrs. Cragin's office to sign up.


·      Middle School is needing students to help with Family Reading Night once a month on Monday's.  Time will be from 3:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

·      Oct. 8, Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 7, Feb. 11, March 10 and April 14


·      Eugene Fields is needing students to help with tutoring on Monday-Thursday's.   Time will be from 3:00 -4:00 p.m. 


·      Eugene Fields Family Reading Night:  is needing students to help with the students on reading.  The time is 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.  Oct. 15, Nov. 29, March 6, April 22


·      Mark Twain Family Reading Night:  is needing students to help with the students on reading.  The time is 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.  Oct. 1, Nov. 26, Feb. 11, April 21



Attention:  A+ Seniors attending MSSU

MSSU is awarding a total of 100 first-come, first served basis on A+ scholarship.  This is a value of $1,000 per academic year.  If you're interested, stop by Kelli Cragin's office to pick up an application.


College visit:

Any student interested in learning about the many careers in the Criminal Justice/Pre-Law/Crime Scene Investigation minor:  MSSU Criminal Justice Administration Department is having a Open House/ Career Fair day on Tuesday, September 25,  from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.  Lunch will be provided.  If interested, you can use this day a job shadowing or college visit.  Come and sign in at Kelli Cragin's office.


Show Me Crowder Day is Thursday, October 18th.  We'll leave the High School at 8:00 a.m. and return by 1:00 p.m.  Pizza will be provided.  Crowder will give a college tour, college information on careers and hear about all the opportunities Crowder has available.  Sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office.


Job Shadow:

All Junior and Seniors have the opportunity to job shadow once their Junior year and once their Senior year.  This is a great opportunity to go out to the real world of work for one-full day to visit a business, or professional that is in the career choice of each students interest.  This will be excused.


Thank you!!!

Kelli Cragin




Thursday, September 13, 2007

Upward Bound

Upward bound is designed for first generation college students to be able to have the skills and motivation to complete high school and to enter and graduate from college. The goal of upward bound is to increase the high school and college graduation rates of program participants.
For more info. call crowder college at 4555661 or Missouri southern state university at 6259830
or contact kelli cragin

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Football vs. Nixa

This Friday night there will be a football game vs. Nixa at the Cardinal Stadium at 7 pm. Come support your CARDINALS!!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

FBLA Meeting

First FBLA Meeting will be held Wednesday, September 12th at 7:20 in room 100.  We will discuss the upcoming school year and nominate officers. 

Interested in being nominated for the National Youth Leadership Forum?  9th -12th grade students should have demonstrated academic excellence and outstanding leadership potential.  They should have earned at least a 3.7 grade point average. They should be interested in Law, Medicine, Business, International Relations, Enviromnent or Music & the Arts.   The length of the forums varies as does the tuition costs.

If interested contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible.  No later than Sept 21, 2007.


Any Freshman or Sophomore interested in the Upward Bound programs offered at Crowder College and Missouri Southern University may contact the colleges at the following numbers.

Crowder College - 455-5661
Missouri Southern University - 625-9830

Limited packets for Crowder College are available in the WCHS counseling center.

Thank You,
Donna Byford
WCHS Counseling Center

Congratulations - All-District Honor Choir

> Congratulations to those students who were selected to All-District
> Honor Choir. Their performance will be Saturday, October 27.
> DJ Shaw
> Zach Charles
> Jeremiah Neal
> Allison Scott
> Hannah Green
> Jessica Allen
> Emily Newby
> Zachary Pettit
> Brittni Frazier
> Stevie Dugdale
> Brad Anderson
> Breann Byrd
> Chris Layton

Friday, September 7, 2007

WCHS A+ Program/Job Shadow

WCHS A+ Program/Job Shadow

Fall 2007



Tutoring Opportunities are listed in Mrs. Cragin's office to sign up.


·      Middle School is needing students to help with Family Reading Night once a month on Monday's.  Time will be from 3:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

·      Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 7, Feb. 11, March 10 and April 14


·      Eugene Fields is needing students to help with tutoring on Monday-Thursday's.   Time will be from 3:00 -4:00 p.m. 


·      Eugene Fields Family Reading Night:  is needing students to help with the students on reading.  The time is 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.  Oct. 15, Nov. 29, March 6, April 22


·      Mark Twain Family Reading Night:  is needing students to help with the students on reading.  The time is 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.  Oct. 1, Nov. 26, Feb. 11, April 21



Attention:  A+ Seniors attending MSSU

MSSU is awarding a total of 100 first-come, first served basis on A+ scholarship.  This is a value of $1,000 per academic year.  If you're interested, stop by Kelli Cragin's office to pick up an application.


College visit:

Any student interested in learning about the many careers in the Criminal Justice/Pre-Law/Crime Scene Investigation minor:  MSSU Criminal Justice Administration Department is having a Open House/ Career Fair day on Tuesday, September 25,  from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.  Lunch will be provided.  If interested, you can use this day a job shadowing or college visit.  Come and sign in at Kelli Cragin's office.


Show Me Crowder Day is Thursday, October 18th.  We'll leave the High School at 8:00 a.m. and return by 1:00 p.m.  Pizza will be provided.  Crowder will give a college tour, college information on careers and hear about all the opportunities Crowder has available.  Sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office.


Job Shadow:

All Junior and Seniors have the opportunity to job shadow once their Junior year and once their Senior year.  This is a great opportunity to go out to the real world of work for one-full day to visit a business, or professional that is in the career choice of each students interest.  This will be excused.


Thank you!!!

Kelli Cragin