Friday, August 10, 2007



Many of you did NOT sign up to work concession stands. The only
times that the junior class can work are during varsity football, 7th
and 8th grade football, and 9th, JV & varsity volleyball games. We
will NOT have opportunities to work concessions after November. You
need to sign up as soon as possible in order to get the time that
best suits your schedule. Also, remember this is how you are able to
get discounted or even free prom tickets. Here is the deal:

Work NO concession stands: Pay $30 for each ticket purchased

Work 1 concession stand: Pay $10

Work 2 concession stands: Get one ticket free and one for $10

Work 3 or more concession stands: Get two free tickets

Sign up outside Room 600 as soon as possible. If you don't let Ms. Thomas know what day to sign you up for, then she will put you in the place where you are most needed.

Stacy Thomas

Media Posted (Pettit, Peters) 8-15-07