Thursday, November 13, 2008

week 11-17-08

Bulletin/Red Bird Bulletin

WCHS A+ Program/Job Shadow

Fall 2008



·      Webster Elementary After-School Reading:   It is Mon. - Thurs. 2:50 - 3:30.    They need students who can commit to at least one day a week.

·     Junior High:  Needs a student who does well in math to help a Jr. High girl on math.  This would be 1-2 days a week from 3:00-4:00 p.m.

·      Middle School Family Reading Night:  Offers once a month on Mondays Nov. 17, Dec. 15, Jan. 12, Feb. 9 and March 9th.  From 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

·      Madge T. James Kindergarten Center every Tuesday in November;  6:00-7:30.  Any students interested and available to help with reading with small children.  Contact Cathy Hall.


Tutoring opportunities all year:


·      After School Tutoring @ 2:05

·      Pals

·      Hi-step

·      Special Olympics

·      Summer School


·       Medical Explorer Program:

Any students' 9-12th grade interested in a Medical Career has a opportunity to be mentored by a group of health care professionals from Freeman and St. John's.  If interested please come by and sign-up in Kelli Cragin's office.



Kelli Cragin





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